The Heroes Among Us

As the story line usually goes, the superheroes among us generally blend in with our day-to-day lives.  It’s not until a catastrophic event that their strengths really become apparent to us.  Still, other superheroes go unnoticed everyday with subtler strengths while making large impacts.

Rebecca Louis, the author of Special Education Degrees blog, contacted us with a great info-graphic on Special Education superheroes.  It wasn’t until after I finished reading the last superhero profile that it really clicked we all have strengths and weaknesses meant to direct us through life.

When we focus our energies on enhancing our strengths and improving upon our weaknesses – that is when we really shine.  As teachers, we are on a journey with our students.  Not all students can recognize their strengths and weaknesses and we can help them recognize these traits to help them be successful through school and later in life.  Please enjoy the info-graphic below:

Hot to Teach a Superhero