

Old Testament Prayer Warriors


Instructor Name:          Dr. Karen Lea

Phone:                         509-891-7219

Office Hours:               8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST Monday - Friday

Email:                          karen_lea@virtualeduc.com

Address:                      Virtual Education Software

                                    23403 E Mission Avenue, Suite 220F

                                    Liberty Lake, WA 99019

Technical Support:       support@virtualeduc.com


Old Testament Prayer Warriors was written to help Christian school teachers/administrators, pastors, and other individuals analyze why prayer was an integral part of some people’s lives in the Old Testament. This course identifies prayer warriors of the Old Testament, discusses the contextual background of those individuals, and focuses on Scriptures about these individuals and prayer.


This computer-based instruction course is a self-supporting program that provides instruction, structured practice, and evaluation all on your home or school computer.  Technical support information can be found in the Help section of your course.


Course Materials (Online)

Title:                Old Testament Prayer Warriors

Instructor:        Dr. Karen Lea

Publisher:         Virtual Education Software, inc. 2021


Academic Integrity Statement

The structure and format of most distance-learning courses presume a high level of personal and academic integrity in completion and submission of coursework. Individuals enrolled in a distance-learning course are expected to adhere to the following standards of academic conduct.


Academic Work

Academic work submitted by the individual (such as papers, assignments, reports, tests) shall be the student’s own work or appropriately attributed, in part or in whole, to its correct source. Submission of commercially prepared (or group prepared) materials as if they are one’s own work is unacceptable.


Aiding Honesty in Others

The individual will encourage honesty in others by refraining from providing materials or information to another person with knowledge that these materials or information will be used improperly.


Violation of these academic standards will result in the assignment of a failing grade and subsequent loss of credit for the course.


Level of Application

This course is designed as a course for Christian school teachers/administrators, pastors, and other individuals to have a solid grasp on God’s Word in order to integrate the Word into their own lives and their teaching.


Expected Learning Outcomes

As a result of taking this course, participants will be able to demonstrate their ability to:

1.       Identify the prayer warriors of the Bible

2.       Identify the basic principles of prayer related to these prayer warriors

3.       Analyze why prayer was an integral part of living for these warriors


Course Description

The Bible contains accounts of many heroes, but only some of those heroes are referred to as prayer warriors. These heroes are known as regularly seeking wisdom from God and interceding on behalf of others. Students in this course will study the life of these heroes and their prayer habits and practices.


Chapter 1: Abraham, Moses, Jehoshaphat

This chapter focuses on the contextual background and prayer lives of Abraham, Moses, and Jehoshaphat.


Chapter 2: Hannah, Samuel, Hezekiah

This chapter focuses on the contextual background and prayer lives of Hannah, Samuel, and Hezekiah.


Chapter 3: David, Nehemiah, Daniel

This chapter focuses on the contextual background and prayer lives of David, Nehemiah, and Daniel.


Chapter 4: Solomon, Jacob, Jonah

This chapter focuses on the contextual background and prayer lives of Solomon, Jacob, and Jonah.


Student Expectations 

As a student you will be expected to:

·         Complete all four information sections showing a competent understanding of the material presented in each section.

·         Complete all four section examinations, showing a competent understanding of the material presented.  You must obtain an overall score of 70% or higher, with no individual exam score below 50%, to pass this course.  *Please note: Minimum exam score requirements may vary by college or university; therefore, you should refer to your course addendum to determine what your minimum exam score requirements are.

·         Complete a review of any section on which your examination score was below 50%.

·         Retake any examination, after completing an information review, to increase that examination score to a minimum of 50%, making sure to also be achieving an overall exam score of a minimum 70% (maximum of three attempts). *Please note: Minimum exam score requirements may vary by college or university; therefore, you should refer to your course addendum to determine what your minimum exam score requirements are.

·         Complete a course evaluation form at the end of the course.



At the end of each chapter, you will be expected to complete an examination designed to assess your knowledge. You may take these exams a total of three times. Your last score will save, not the highest score.  After your third attempt, each examination will lock and not allow further access.  Your final grade for the course will be determined by calculating an average score of all exams.  This score will be printed on your final certificate.  As this is a self-paced computerized instruction program, you may review course information as often as necessary. You will not be able to exit any examinations until you have answered all questions. If you try to exit the exam before you complete all questions, your information will be lost. You are expected to complete the entire exam in one sitting.


Instructor Description

Karen Lea holds a Ph.D. in education. Dr. Lea has 15 years’ experience teaching at the K–12 level and another 14 years’ experience teaching education courses at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels. Those 14 years in higher education included 6 years as a dean at a faith-based university and 7 additional years in charge of assessment and accreditation at a faith-based university. Currently she is an assessment developer at Western Governor’s University and a full-time adjunct at Nazarene Bible College. Dr. Lea has been professionally published more than 15 times and has served on over a dozen panels and boards, including serving on the NCATE (CAEP) Board of Examiners.


Contacting the Instructor

You may contact the instructor by emailing karen_lea@virtualeduc.com or by calling (509) 891-7219 Monday through Friday. Calls made during office hours will be answered within 24 hours. Phone conferences will be limited to ten minutes per student, per day, given that this is a self-paced instructional program. Please do not contact the instructor about technical problems, course glitches, or other issues that involve the operation of the course.


Technical Questions

If you have questions or problems related to the operation of this course, please try everything twice. If the problem persists please check our support pages for FAQs and known issues at www.virtualeduc.com and also the Help section of your course.


If you need personal assistance then email support@virtualeduc.com or call (509) 891-7219.  When contacting technical support, please know your course version number (it is located at the bottom left side of the Welcome Screen) and your operating system, and be seated in front of the computer at the time of your call. 


Minimum Computer Requirements

Please refer to VESi’s website: www.virtualeduc.com or contact VESi if you have further questions about the compatibility of your operating system.



Refer to the addendum regarding Grading Criteria, Course Completion Information, Items to be Submitted and how to submit your completed information. The addendum will also note any additional course assignments that you may be required to complete that are not listed in this syllabus.


Bibliography (Suggested reading)

Accuracyingenesis. (2019). Where was Abraham’s Ur? Retrieved from http://www.accuracyingenesis.com/ur.html

Altrogge, M. (2018). The amazing riches of Psalm 23. Retrieved from https://www.biblestudytools.com/blogs/mark-altrogge/the-amazing-riches-of-psalm-23.html

Amzallag, N. (2018). The authorship of Ezra and Nehemiah in light of differences in their ideological background. Journal of Biblical Literature, 137(2), 271–297. doi:10.1353/jbl.2018.0016

Andrews, J. W. (2018). The sign of Jonah: Jesus in the heart of the earth. Journal of Evangelical Theological Society, 51(1), 105–119. Retrieved from https://www.etsjets.org/files/JETS-PDFs/61/61-1/JETS_61.1_105-119_Andrews.pdf

Beale, S. (2018). What the first story of prayer in the Bible teaches us. Retrieved from https://catholicexchange.com/first-story-prayer-bible-teaches-us

Belkum, A. (2019) I Kings. Retrieved from https://lifehopeandtruth.com/bible/holy-bible/old-testament/the-prophets/former-prophets/1-kings/

Benson, J. (1857). Benson commentary. New York, NY: T. Carlton and J. Porter. Retrieved from https://biblehub.com/commentaries/1_kings/22–32.htm

Berg, M. (2017). Why Moses prayed 515 times to enter into Israel. Retrieved from https://www.michaelberg.net/articles/why-moses-prayed-515-times-enter-israel

Bible Teaching Ministry of Charles R. Swindoll. (2019). Habakkuk. Retrieved from https://www.insight.org/resources/bible/the-minor-prophets/habakkuk

Blenkinsopp, J. (2015). Abraham: The story of a life. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans.

Bolin, T. M. (2019). Nineveh as Sin City. Retrieved from https://www.bibleodyssey.org/en/places/related-articles/nineveh-as-sin-city

Bounds, E. M. (2019). Abraham, the man of prayer. Retrieved from https://biblehub.com/library/bounds/prayer_and_praying_men/iii_abraham_the_man_of.htm

Boushra, M. (2004). Altars in the life of Abraham. Retrieved from https://www.preciousseed.org/article_detail.cfm?articleID=81

Branson, R., Varughese, A., Edin, J., & Green, T. M. (2018). Discovering the Old Testament: Story and faith. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press.

Burge, G. M., & Hill, A. E. (2012). Baker illustrated Bible commentary. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

Clarke, A. (1997). Adam Clarke’s commentary on the Bible. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. Retrieved from https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/acc/genesis.html

Coogan, M. D. (2008). The Old Testament: A very short introduction. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Deffinbaugh, B. (2004). Daniel’s prayer and Gabriel’s proclamation (Daniel 9:1–27). Retrieved from https://bible.org/seriespage/10-daniel-s-prayer-and-gabriel-s-proclamation-daniel-91–27

DeRouchie, J. (2018). 10 reasons the Old Testament is important for Christians. Retrieved from https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/old-testament-important/

Deuel, D. (2017). Early Torah missions. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 2017, 301–316. Retrieved from https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1P4-1964553491/early-torah-missions

Dollar, C. (2016). Prayer: Old covenant vs. new covenant. Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/old-vs-new-covenant-700361

Douglas, J. D., Tenney, M. C., & Silva, M. (Ed.). (1987). Zondervan illustrated Bible dictionary. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Edmondson, R. (2019). 7 lessons on prayer from Hezekiah. iDisciple. Retrieved from https://www.idisciple.org/post/7-lessons-on-prayer-from-hezekiah

Ellicott, D. J. (n.d.) A Bible commentary for English readers. London, UK: Cassell. Retrieved from https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/ebc.html

Ezell, R. (2014). Sermon: When God leads the way—Exodus 33. Retrieved from https://www.lifeway.com/en/articles/sermon-god-leads-pillar-cloud-fire-moses-exodus-33

Fitch, T. (2014). Jehoshaphat’s prayer. Retrieved from http://westloop-church.org/index.php/messages/old-testament/89–2-chronicles/386-jehoshaphat-s-prayer

Flanigan, J. M. (2019). The prayers of David. Retrieved from https://assemblytestimony.org/?q=node/331#intelligence

Fleming, E. E. (2016). Political favoritism in Saul’s court and the relationship between David and Jonathan. Journal of Biblical Literature, 135(1), 19–34. doi:10.15699/jbl.1344.2016.2929

Foster, J. (2019). The faith of Abraham. Retrieved from https://lifehopeandtruth.com/change/faith/the-faith-of-abraham/

Foster, J. (2019). Hannah. Retrieved from https://lifehopeandtruth.com/change/faith/women-of-faith/hannah/

Garrett, S. (2017). 3 New ways to think about Psalm 23. Retrieved from https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/bible-study/3-new-ways-to-think-about-psalm-23.html

Genesis. (2019). In Britannica.com. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/Genesis-Old-Testament

Godfrey, W. R. (2019). The suffering and the glory of Psalm 22. Retrieved from https://www.ligonier.org/blog/suffering-and-glory-psalm-22/

Goodwin, A. E. (2019). Nehemiah a man of prayer and a man of action. Retrieved from http://biblecentre.org/content.php?mode=7&item=425

Goswell, G. (2016). Jonah among the twelve prophets. Journal of Biblical Literature, 135(2), 283–299. doi:10.15699/jbl.1352.2016.3075

Gray, J. (1999). The concise Bible commentary. Retrieved from https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/jgc.html

Grillo, J. (2017). From a far country: Daniel in Isaiah’s Babylon. Journal of Biblical Literature, 136(2), 363–380. doi:10.15699/jbl.1362.2017.3077

Hendel, R. (2019). Abraham. Retrieved from https://www.bibleodyssey.org/people/main-articles/abraham

Henry, M. (1997). Matthew Henry’s concise commentary on the whole Bible. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.

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Hesitant prize fighter. (2008, June 29). Lessons on prayer: Abraham and Moses. Retrieved from https://tben.wordpress.com/2008/06/29/lessons-on-prayer-abraham-and-moses/

Huft, C. (2017). Nehemiah the prayer warrior: Follow his lead. Retrieved from https://pathwayschurch.us/stories-blog/2017/11/14/nehemiah-the-prayer-warrior-follow-his-lead

International Bible Society. (2019). Exodus. Retrieved from https://www.biblica.com/resources/scholar-notes/niv-study-bible/intro-to-exodus/

Jewish Virtual Library. (2019). Jewish prayers: The prayer of Hannah. Retrieved from https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-prayer-of-hannah

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Lardinais, B. (2017). Great prayers of the Bible: Jonah’s prayer out of the depths. Retrieved from https://hannahscupboard.com/jonah-prayer/

Leonard-Fleckman, M. (2018). Utterance of David, the anointed of the God of Jacob (2 Samuel 23:1–7). Journal of Biblical Literature, 137(3), 667–683. doi:10.15699/jbl.1373.2018.450560

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MacArthur, J. (2005). The MacArthur Bible commentary. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.

Macdonald, W. (2016). Believer’s Bible commentary (2nd ed.). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.

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Matthews, V. H., & Moyer, J. C. (2012). The Old Testament: Text and context. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.

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Course content is updated every three years. Due to this update timeline, some URL links may no longer be active or may have changed. Please type the title of the organization into the command line of any Internet browser search window and you will be able to find whether the URL link is still active or any new link to the corresponding organization's web home page.


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